Monday, July 20, 2009

Successful story and case study in our sponsorship program

We have made a following up on two children who are in our sponsorship program. We sent our social worker to visit these two children in their homes; she went to get more information from the community and families about the children. She went and report back that the members of the community were happy to see Emmanuel Global Ministry has helped their children in education project. Before the children were at home not attending school due to lack of school fees. Now the education project is supporting 50 children from Nsekwa Village, we need more sponsors so that we can support more children who are not going to school in Mende Parish. You can sponsor a child at $45 dollars per term those are three month or you are free to support any number of children we have 150 who are not have yet sponsors.

Scovia Nanyanzi is now atteding school

Scovia Nanyanzi with her sissiters at home

Nanyanzi Scovia 9 years old in primary 1 she is in our Education spornsorship project

Our social worker visit one of the supported child's home

1 comment:

  1. I have met and spoken to Rev Vernon Afuga when at New Wine Festival in Newark, UK. I commit to pray and support your work and will tell friends and family about this website so they can become followers also.
